All of products are inclusive of taxes and our domestic shipping charges are flat ₹100. Free Shipping may be available as listed in footer area of the website and or offers/coupons running at any given time.
It takes us 2 to 3 working days to process your order and 5 to 7 working days for it to reach you. However, weather conditions may affect the delivery time.
Our made to order pieces take about 12-14 days to reach you.
It is the customer’s responsibility to be available at the given address to receive the product. We take no responsibility for goods signed by an alternate person.
We also offer COD.
For any product ordered on a back order, also known as pre-order, we will take at least 4-6 working days to make the final piece before we ship it. However, it will reach you within 10-12 days.
In case you need the piece earlier you can drop us an email with the subject BACK ORDER and we will get back to you.
Currently we only ship our goods within India. For international orders, you can request us the cost of shipping, mentioning the product you wish to purchase and your delivery address. Please write to us at with the SUBJECT as INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING and we will get back to you soon!